Top 20 Problems on Graph # Status Problem video Level Completes Likes 449 Check if Graph is Bipartite - Adjacency List using Breadth-First Search(BFS) Hard 0.18 % 0 447 Check If Given Undirected Graph is a tree Medium 0.36 % 0 423 Given Graph - Remove a vertex and all edges connect to the vertex Medium 0.18 % 0 417 Maximum number edges to make Acyclic Undirected/Directed Graph Beginner 0.18 % 0 414 Breadth-First Search in Disconnected Graph Medium 0.18 % 0 400 Reverse the Directed Graph Beginner 0.18 % 0 347 Find the nearest building which has bike | Find nearest specific vertex from source in a graph. Hard 0.36 % 0 276 Graph – Find Number of non reachable vertices from a given vertex Medium 0.18 % 0 275 Graph – Detect Cycle in a Directed Graph using colors Hard 0.18 % 0 274 Graph – Detect Cycle in an Undirected Graph using DFS Medium 0.18 % 0 273 Graph – Detect Cycle in a Directed Graph Medium 0.36 % 1 270 Weighted Graph Implementation – JAVA Beginner 0.53 % 1 269 Graph – Depth First Search in Disconnected Graph Medium 0.36 % 1 267 Graph – Depth First Search using Recursion Beginner 0.71 % 1 266 Graph Implementation – Adjacency Matrix | Set 3 Beginner 0.36 % 1 258 Graph – Print all paths between source and destination Medium 0.36 % 1 Check if Graph is Bipartite - Adjacency List using Breadth-First Search(BFS) Check If Given Undirected Graph is a tree Given Graph - Remove a vertex and all edges connect to the vertex Maximum number edges to make Acyclic Undirected/Directed Graph Breadth-First Search in Disconnected Graph Reverse the Directed Graph Find the nearest building which has bike | Find nearest specific vertex from source in a graph. Graph – Find Number of non reachable vertices from a given vertex Graph – Detect Cycle in a Directed Graph using colors Graph – Detect Cycle in an Undirected Graph using DFS Graph – Detect Cycle in a Directed Graph Weighted Graph Implementation – JAVA Graph – Depth First Search in Disconnected Graph Graph – Depth First Search using Recursion Graph Implementation – Adjacency Matrix | Set 3 Graph – Print all paths between source and destination 1