# Status Problem video Level Completes Likes 559 Minimizing Taxis for Maximum Efficiency Hard % 1 553 Minimize Scheduling Headaches: Clone Yourself for Overlapping Events Hard % 0 549 Dynamic Programming - Minimum Cost for Climbing Stairs Medium % 0 548 Minimum Number of Halls Required for Lecture Scheduling Hard % 1 546 Converting to Non-Decreasing Array with One Change Medium % 0 545 Maximizing Contiguous Ones with a Single Flip in a Binary Array Medium % 3 543 Adding One to a Number Represented by an Array Medium % 1 538 Find The Minimum time difference Medium % 1 537 Departure and Destination Cities in a given itinerary Beginner % 2 536 Efficiently Rank Elements in a Given Array Beginner % 3 526 Maximum Surpasser in the given array Hard % 0 524 Maximum CPU Load Problem in a jobs list Medium % 1 522 Check If Student is eligible for an Attendance Reward Beginner % 0 521 Maximum overlaps in a given list of time intervals Medium % 0 515 Maximum distance from the nearest person Medium % 1 510 Design a data structure for Candidate Voting Problem Medium % 0 507 Design data structure for players and ranks Medium % 0 506 Maximum Bipartite Matching Problem Hard % 0 500 Print Top 10 videos from List Beginner % 0 499 Compare two version numbers of a software Medium % 1 496 Minimum number of times String A is repeated to such that B is substring of A Beginner % 1 489 The number of cycles in a given array of integers. Hard % 0 481 Calculate (x^y)%z without using pow() function Medium % 0 476 Find subarray with a sum to given number-2 | Handle negative numbers Medium % 0 475 Sort the two dimensional (2D) array - In-place Medium % 0 474 Implement/Design the version control map system Medium % 0 471 Two Sum Problem Beginner % 0 466 Lexicographically next permutation With One swap Medium % 1 462 Stable Marriage Problem - Gale–Shapley Algorithm Hard % 0 459 Given an array, find three-element sum closest to Zero Medium % 1 453 Number of Intervals in which given value lies Beginner % 0 444 Articulation Points OR Cut Vertices in a Graph Hard % 0 441 Print All Paths in Dijkstra's Shortest Path Algorithm Hard % 0 439 Determine the given routing number belong to which bank Medium % 0 438 Check if interval is covered in given coordinates Medium % 0 Minimizing Taxis for Maximum Efficiency Minimize Scheduling Headaches: Clone Yourself for Overlapping Events Dynamic Programming - Minimum Cost for Climbing Stairs Minimum Number of Halls Required for Lecture Scheduling Converting to Non-Decreasing Array with One Change Maximizing Contiguous Ones with a Single Flip in a Binary Array Adding One to a Number Represented by an Array Find The Minimum time difference Departure and Destination Cities in a given itinerary Efficiently Rank Elements in a Given Array Maximum Surpasser in the given array Maximum CPU Load Problem in a jobs list Check If Student is eligible for an Attendance Reward Maximum overlaps in a given list of time intervals Maximum distance from the nearest person Design a data structure for Candidate Voting Problem Design data structure for players and ranks Maximum Bipartite Matching Problem Print Top 10 videos from List Compare two version numbers of a software Minimum number of times String A is repeated to such that B is substring of A The number of cycles in a given array of integers. Calculate (x^y)%z without using pow() function Find subarray with a sum to given number-2 | Handle negative numbers Sort the two dimensional (2D) array - In-place Implement/Design the version control map system Two Sum Problem Lexicographically next permutation With One swap Stable Marriage Problem - Gale–Shapley Algorithm Given an array, find three-element sum closest to Zero Number of Intervals in which given value lies Articulation Points OR Cut Vertices in a Graph Print All Paths in Dijkstra's Shortest Path Algorithm Determine the given routing number belong to which bank Check if interval is covered in given coordinates 1 2 3 4